Friday, July 9, 2010

Getting the word out.....

Team Piggy had a busy day. Getting the word out about breast cancer and raising over $13,000 is a lot of hard work, but it is something we are committed to do.
We are committed to finding a world without breast cancer and if that means getting up at the crack of dawn for an interview at PCTV, we'll do it! And if it means rushing to Salt Lake after that interview to shamelessly sit on the front row of Good Things Utah until they mention us (so we'll quit bugging them) hey, we'll do that too! Did it work? Absolutely! Thank you so much to Caroline at PCTV for the great interview and thanks to Jenn for getting us on the show. Huge thanks to Marti Skold at ABC4. Not only did she give us a great plug on Good Things Utah, but she put a nice write up on her blog.
You can check it out here: Marti Skold - ABC4

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Team Piggy
(left-right: Sharlee, Sacha, Caiti, Stephanie, Debbi, Judy front: April not pictured: Marquita)

Today is July 4, 2010 and as we celebrate our Nation's Independence it marks 139 days until Opening Ceremonies! We have been doing our fundraising and a little bit of training....but now it is time to kick it into high gear. July 9 will mark the 3rd anniversary of my mom's death. This is when fundraising and training will be kicked into high gear for me....and I will drag the rest of the team with me (some may kick and scream). July 9 will also be the start of the online auction (check out the page link) there are tons of amazing you can say you helped to cure cancer; we are going to have a garage sale this month and another car wash before summer is over. Don't forget the endless miles of walking we need to do to prepare for this event. You think we are nuts? We say, we are committed to finding a world without breast cancer.